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Back to nature


Vegetation, with its constant and silent growth, accompanies the flow of time. The ornament suggests this natural condition in which commemorative monuments are historically situated. In this project nature regains possession, in an aesthetic and controlled manner, of the human artefact.

The composition of the objects is based on a principle that is unrelated to the traditional way of arranging flowers and lighting. In this case, the two objects that make up the composition, the thin branches in the background and those in the foreground, merge into one single, expressive band of elements that redesign in a minimalist key a phytomorphic vine-like figure.

The basic component consisting of intertwined branches is made in Corian. There are two colour variations: cold blue, suitable for white or grey marble, and brown, for marble in warmer tones.

Features two specular figures for left and right mounting.

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Composition samples

  • Back to nature brown / tombstone
  • Back to nature blue / tombstone



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