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The project is a plastic metaphor. A complete form is broken up yet remains locked inside a timeless interlude. The resulting composition is of a profound dynamism. The broken objects reveal a precious and unexpected soul, which enhances, by contrast, the dark outer appearance.

The forms are modelled by the forces of nature and refer to the image of rocks shaped over time by the flowing of the waves of a river. The natural image of the outer forms reveals a heart of ancestral power, almost as if it were made of metal melted by the gravitational forces concentrated within the core of the rocks themselves.

The items, lamp and vase, are made in extra-thick bronzed fusion, subsequently hand-worked to create the contrasting surfaces – opaque and rough for the outer parts and smooth and sparkling for the sections.

The forms are mechanically locked in the final position of balance. The solid construction renders the objects sturdy and durable.

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Composition samples

  • frammenti_comp_1-2.jpg
  • Fragments / vase detail



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